
Do you have tickets for other venues in Denver, Colorado?

Yes, you can find a list on the right side of this page. If you’re looking for other venues in Denver or elsewhere in Dener Colorado, you can also click the link on our City Guides main page. You’ll find a list of other towns and venues in Denver Colorado.

Do you offer any promo codes for Red Rocks tickets?

Absolutely! You can find promo codes on performer and event pages. Enter them at checkout for additional savings on our already great tickets.

What if I buy tickets to an event at Red Rocks that gets cancelled?

If an event at Red Rocks is cancelled without being rescheduled, offers a full refund for the price of the ticket, minus shipping. We also offer insurance on our tickets in case you can’t make an event for personal reasons (restrictions apply). You can find more information about ticket insurance at checkout.

Who do I talk to if I have more questions?

You can get in touch with the Red Rocks box office directly, or contact at 1-855-BUYTICKETS or by sending an email to We’ll do our very best to answer all your questions regarding Red Rocks tickets or any other matters.

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